About this site

Metasydney is a blog developed by Kai Wing Yiu (Wing Yiu).
The writings on this site are his thoughts, stories and ideas on photography, videography, films, books, life, travel, likes and dislikes as a Sydneysider, an Australian and a global citizen.

About Me

姚啟榮,筆名迅清,曾出版詩集《迅清詩集》(香港石磬文化,二〇一五)、散文集《悉尼隨想》(香港初文,二〇一九)、《非常風景》(香港初文,二〇二〇) 、《陽光回憶》(香港初文,二〇二二) 和《世界不一樣》(香港初文,二〇二 四),及與李孝聰、凌冰合編《也斯之游》(香港中華書局,二〇二四)。

These are my publications.The latest book The World is No Longer the Same is at the bottom right.

Where you can purchase a copy of my latest books: Kinokuniya Australia online store.
可在澳洲紀伊國屋書店Kinokuniya Australia網站購買其中三本:

Or purchase each directly from me.

My social media platforms 我的社交媒體平台:

Other sites 其他網站:

YouTube channel
metasydney.wordpress (plain text version of metasydney.com)